In the heart of every shooting competition lies a small community bound by dedication, and passion. At, we recognize the colossal effort required to organize and run these events — efforts often fueled by the unpaid dedication of a small number of organisers.
Launched in 2022, our mission was born out of gratitude for this community and a desire to simplify the organizational challenges that come with shooting competitions. We've set out to revolutionize competition management, making it less daunting and more accessible for organizers and competitors alike. Our aim is to foster more shooting events, support the growth of our sport, and keep its spirit alive against all odds. Whether you're a seasoned competition organizer or stepping into this role for the first time, is designed to streamline your efforts and make life easier. is an innovative online platform dedicated to simplifying the way shooting competitions are organized and entered. By transitioning from paper-based systems—which feel decidedly last-century—to a sleek, online format, we're making competition entry a breeze for competitors everywhere. Our journey began with the successful running of the Gloucestershire Open in April 2023, marking the first of many competitions to benefit from our platform.
We envision a future where the process of organizing and entering shooting competitions is as seamless as possible. Our goal is to provide a platform that's easy to use, accessible to all, and capable of supporting the growth of shooting sports. We're committed to delivering a service that's not only efficient but also affordable, ensuring that competition organizers can focus on what they do best—running great events.
As we continue to grow, our vision is to expand to encompass a wider variety of shooting disciplines, always driven by the feedback and needs of our community. We believe in the power of innovation to preserve and enhance our sport for future generations.
With no direct competitors in the online shooting management space, we are pioneers in a niche that demands attention. Our commitment isn't to profit, but to the sport we love. To sustain our efforts, we've adopted a pay-what-you-want pricing model, allowing us to evolve and expand through the generous support of our users.
Your feedback is the cornerstone of our development. We're eager to hear from you about the features and improvements you desire most. Together, we can ensure the vibrant future of shooting sports. Help us keep the tradition alive, support our mission, and let's aim for a future where organizing and participating in shooting competitions is effortless and inclusive for all.
Good Shooting to you all!